Superman Superman

Rendezvous with lifeskills!!

Activities NAVAL KINDERGARTEN (NKG), Goa left no stone unturned when it came to teaching them little-things-holding-important-place in our lives. And instead of just giving out a word in that regard we believed in giving the hands-on experience to them in order to teach them the importance of ‘the little things’ that are not-so-little actually, namely Seed Germination Activity saw the smiles sprouting along with the seeds that sprouted and with this little activity they saw how LIFE comes into being and how precious it is!

Colour Day was all about being smeared in the same colour and carrying same coloured things. Early identification of colours helps to create the cognitive link between visual clues and words which is n important part of a child’s holistic development.

Yoga Day had us amazed as we saw some serious fitness-goals being achieved by our little FITNESS-CHAMPS, their flexibility was another story that kept us captivated!

Earth Day Activity brought us even closer to our mother Earth as kids were sensitized about keeping our Earth CLEAN & GREEN and Plastic free. They loved chanting slogans, planting saplings and watering them.

Salads are not only healthy and tasty but they can squeeze the creative-juices out of one's mind when it's decoration is in question….and same happened with the our SALAD DECORATION acivity, that not only inspired them to develop a taste for it but also make it look appealing-to-the-eyes.

Concept of consuming healthy and unhealthy food was taught, not through the food pics, but by making things using clay. The fine motor skills being into action were enhanced.