Amazing Activities

Your child has potential

Thirst for knowledge

Show them how

Love & Care

About the School

Chairman's message

The History of School

Naval Kindergarten (NKG) was commissioned in 1967 with 25 children. The school has completed 53 glorious years of excellence in education. It is located at Vasco-da-Gama and has over 500 students in both Lower KG and Upper KG. The ratio of a teacher to children is maintained at 1:25.

The school functions under the aegis of Navy Education Society and is governed by the Management Committee, chaired by Commodore Superintendent INS Gomantak (Goa). The school provides pre-primary education to children of Service Personnel, Defence Civilians and Ex-servicemen. In addition, as part of its public outreach programme the school also admits children from the civil society.

The school has a huge campus with sprawling gardens in a serene location with nature as its companion. The infrastructure consists of 18 class rooms, music room, library, play room, activity room, story room, resource room, assembly hall, multimedia room, a doll house, sand pit, traffic light, play field and a sports ground. Imbibing the value system of Indian Navy the school believes in national integration, communal harmony, plurality and equality.
Our Vision & Mission


‘A child’s first step to a delightful journey into the world of education’

‘Childhood is not a race to see how quickly a child can read, write and count.
Childhood is a small window of time to learn and develop at a pace
which is right for each individual child’

In this ever changing, ever challenging world of education the right blend of learning, exposure and research are a must for the growth of an individual. Naval Kindergarten has imbibed different methodologies and educational philosophies and created its own child centric culture. We believe that there is more in every child and we seek to discover and bring out the best in each child by nurturing their talents and interests.

The teaching methodology is primarily, ‘Activity Based Learning’ so that the students are encouraged to grow and develop at their own pace and where each day is varied, stimulating, exciting and above all FUN! Our goal is to provide a holistic educational experience that is, rooted in promoting the spirit of enquiry, guided curiosity and collaborative experience. Pre-primary learning is imparted to the children in a conducive, stress free environment using play-way methodology. It is our vision that each child who comes through our door joins a community of children, families, and teachers engaged in the joy, work, and wonder of childhood. The wider the range of possibilities and experiences we offer children, the more intense will be their motivation and richer their personalities.

‘Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired
by listening to words but by experiences in the environment’

-Dr Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori noted that touching an object builds pathways to cognition as the mind remembers the feel and movement associated with the object. Such an impression is attributed to the muscular sense. During movement, touch and sight are combined, the child builds knowledge through their perception. A tiny-tot need to use their senses to learn. They are not at a stage where they can just hear about something or see a picture of it and know what it is about.

At Naval Kindergarten, we follow this philosophy and believe that play is educationally powerful. The School uses hands on activities and play as a method of instruction because play is concrete, first-hand and active.

Tell me and I Forget, Teach me and I may Remember,
Involve me and I Learn

-Benjamin Franklin

When planning lessons and activities our emphasis is on fun, enjoyment, exploring the environment and challenge. We aim to encourage children to adopt a positive attitude towards learning which will provide a solid foundation for their future education.

During pre-school years, children explore every opportunity to discover new experiences, new friends and new environments. Their minds are lively and imaginative. They are the learning sponges. Every new experience, every word they learn, behaviour they adopt, is an investment in a more fruitful future.

At Naval Kindergarten, we balance this zest with the ability to listen, follow directions, attend to tasks and participate in group activities to develop the critical life skill of concentration.

A teacher ignites the fire that fuels a student’s thirst,
for knowledge, curiosity and wisdom

We aim to provide a holistic curriculum pattern which will promote all areas of a child’s development. A child’s experiences in the Early Years have a major impact on their future life chances. The preparatory programme offered by Naval Kindergarten, Goa has many special features. Some of them are:-

  • Age appropriate and regularly up-dated curriculum.
  • High quality learning aids and text books.
  • Quality play things and educational aid.
  • Dedicated team of trained teachers and helpers.
  • Focus on early reading and literacy.
  • Warm, loving and stimulating environment & child centric approach.
  • Clean and safe surroundings.
  • High level of transparency and parental involvement.
  • Focus on music and movement.
  • Essentially secular education.
  • Very favourable teacher student ratio.
  • Emphasis on concepts and not on rote-learning.
Naval Kindergarten, Goa is the first pre-primary school in Goa to set up a Resource Room for special children and the first among the other pre–primary naval schools in the country. Also, it is one of the only institutes to celebrate Annual Day and Sports Day on a large scale.

Involvement of parents through parent teacher interactions, PTA meetings, teacher evaluation formats, sensitization of parents through talks on topics like healthy upbringing and learning disabilities are held on regular basis and are much appreciated by the parent community.

In the recent past, new measures are instituted to keep up with the requirements such as installation of CCTV cameras, reconstruction of the compound wall, renovation of the children’s washrooms, refurbishment of the classroom furniture, new outdoor playfield equipment, Montessori play way equipment for the activity room and educational toys for the playroom.
Headmaster's message
Mrs. Swapna Thakur, Headmistress

Headmistress's Message

To work is my duty prime
Perseverance my road divine,
Success will follow in due time
Let pursuit of excellence be mine……

"For yesterday is but a dream,
And tomorrow is only a vision.
But today well lived
Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope."

It gives me immense pleasure, as the headmistress of Naval Kindergarten, in extending a warm welcome to all our students, faculty and staff.

To my mind an educational institute is not just about bricks, mortar and concrete, but about building character, enriching minds and about varied experiences that last a lifetime.

Naval Kindergarten having completed 53 glorious years of excellence in Education, is a school rich in tradition with service to the community. Naval Kindergarten has consistently met and exceeded the educational needs of a diverse student populace. Our greatest assets in furthering this legacy have been our students and educators whose commitment and dedication to the school is praiseworthy.

The year 2020 has been a revolutionary year and the one thing we learnt and followed is that ‘If there is a will, a way is naturally crafted out’. The pandemic confined us to our homes and yet we all learnt to continue our learning. In our quest, the school was quick to move the classrooms to the very homes of our tiny-tots. The path was novel, challenging and we all were forced to overcome our little inhibitions and upgrade our technological acumen.

At Naval Kindergarten, you will find a wealth of learning opportunities that will serve as an essential stepping stone to a fulfilling life and career. It is in the spirit of meeting this challenge, that I invite all our parents to partner with our students, their teachers and administrators in helping to pave the path to what I believe are the endless new horizons of greater student achievement. I personally look forward to seeing all of you at our school functions throughout the year.

With best wishes,
Swapna Thakur